Monday, July 11, 2011


In three days my little lovebug will be TWO months old! Even though he has grown SO much (and I've shrank so much) its still hard to believe that 2 months ago he was still inside me. Time is flying by SO quickly! Its really getting to me, the fact that he is growing so quickly. Just stay little for awhile!! Being a baby isn't so bad.

He has been really great about sleeping. He stays up until 11:30 or midnight (sometimes later) and then sleeps in until about 5. Yesterday he took a nice long evening nap, giving Andrew and I enough time to make a FEAST of food for dinner AND watch almost half of a movie! I had to hold him and feed him during the movie and once I was done, BOTH my boys were asleep and I watched the end by myself, haha. Today he woke up more around 4am but he'd gone to bed a bit earlier than normal so I expected. Anyway, it was nice to have some time with my husband! I feel like I never get any time with him anymore. He is always working on our album in the band room or playing a video game or working out or helping clean the house, and thats when he's not actually at work! And when we do have time to spend, the baby is awake and wants attention... But yesterday was good. And I'm glad that it was because it was the last day of stand down (dont ask, its navy talk), so starting today, he goes to work every day. I dont know how long his hours will be, don't even know when he is coming home tonight, but he said he'd call at lunchtime, so thats good.

Although the sleeping has been going wonderfully, my little muffin has suddenly become a crabbier baby this week! I dont know why, maybe he is gassy or has more boogers than usual... not sure. But he's been crying more often during the day and its making daily chores and errands more difficult! The only way I can fix the crying is by holding him close, rocking him, talking to him, and walking around with him. Its like he just wants extra attention. No setting him down to do the dishes or laundry! Luckily the moby wrap that my mom handed down to me has been working for an hour or two at a time.

Today I opened a new package of three pairs of socks for him. They were sized 3 to 12 months old, but he didnt have any others clean. To my surprise, they are quite snug!! He has giant feet more being almost 2 months old. He is about 23 inches long and 12 and a half pounds. But maybe I should weigh him and measure him today, because when I picked him up this morning I swear he was bigger than when I laid him down last night!

And last on my list of things to talk about - MUSIC! 50/90 started but idk if I will participate. If I write anything I suppose I will post it. And thats only if I get a decent recording, which is not looking too good since Andrew got all this new recording equipment. Our home studio is really looking awesome! I am so happy with our band room. I wish I had more people to play music with in there though. I'm picky about who I like (personally & musically) and who I trust around our music stuff. Anyway, I started performing again!! First time was just singing back up for Celia at House of Blues downtown. Next I performed my own set a couple days ago at The Stage (also downtown in the gaslamp). It didn't go all that great! I didn't practice because it was a very last minute invite and Henry was fussy. I almost didn't go but Andrew made me. I forgot my song book, and since I didn't practice, I really wish I would have had it! I did probably 8 songs, but after 5 I was ready to be done... But Celia and I got $15 each in tips so I couldnt have been THAT bad! haha. More music - Scott West asked if I wanted to sing back up in the Scott West Band at his next few headlining gigs, but I can't really say yes, (1) because he never told me what dates he's playing and (2) because even if I knew the dates, who am I going to get to watch Henry from 8pm to 1am on random nights, probably weekends!? And thats not even considering the fact that I am NOT okay with anyone except me & drew watching him!

Well, the baby's awake! Gotta go.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

baby update!

Henry has been smiling for quite a while now. When he was only a week old he started smiling in his sleep. He did it often and sometimes would even giggle! Always made me wonder what he was dreaming about. :) For the past couple weeks he has been smiling while he's awake, smiling at people, mostly me of course.

We have TWO games to play together! We play peek-a-boo, and as of today we have a new game. Don't know what its called... I think I'll call it Stinky Feet. He lays on my lap with his head near my knees and I lift his feet to my nose and smell them and say "PEW!!" and he smiles!! Can you believe that my days now consist of quieting cries and finding ways to make

Its strange, I've never loved to see a smile so much before! The closest feeling I guess would be seeing my husband smile on special days. Really special days like the day he proposed, or the day we got married, or the day we found out I was pregnant, or the day HENRY was born! Or any time that Drew smiles at Henry. I just love my family! Its amazing. Its like one second I have a boyfriend and the next I have a beautiful, concrete family. Sometimes I wonder how it all even happened!

Anyway, its been very exciting to see some smiles. There's an emotional tole of suddenly having to spend EVERY second taking care of someone else, someone who cries ten times a day and can never tell you what they want. An appreciative smile sure is nice to see after hours of holding, cuddling, singing, bouncing, feeding, changing, and any other thing I can think of to cheer up a grumpy baby!

Some of my favorite things about Henry:
- he falls asleep during car rides
- he started biting & sucking his fists, which might not seem like a big deal but its self-soothing and it means he's gaining coordination.
- he started sleeping through the night.. kind of. He now sleeps from midnight to 6, give or take an hour.
- his eyes looks prettier every day
- he looks so much like his daddy's baby pictures
- he smiles for his dad
- he has so much hair!!
- the moby wrap puts him to sleep right away
- he's starting to stay awake for longer stretches during the day
- likes staring at dangling toys and kicking

Well, time to change his diaper and put him to bed. Its a "duty day" which means Andrew will be working all night and come home in the morning. I let Henry sleep in our bed on duty days. He likes to sprawl out and take up as much space as possible. No swaddling for this little guy! Goodnight.